Ema, Omamori, Omikuji

Continued form last article about shrine, there are some distinct items you see there.

Ema wooden plate

You'll see wooden plate hanging on the board. That is called Ema, a small wooden plate that people write down their wishes and dedicate it to the shrine.
People’s wishes tend to be what a shrine is famous for, like love, work, money, and so on. There are thousands of thousands of gods enshrined in Japan, it even ranges from safe driving to hair. The famous shrine for students is Tenmangu, which enshrines Fujiwara-no Michinaga, a scholar. The plates are full of their wishes for passing the entrance exam.

The reason a horse is often drawn on it is that it had been offered as a ride for deities.

Omamori Lucky Charm

Omamori looks a accessary for your bag. As the same as Japanese who celebrate Christmas, Buddhist event at the same time, a lucky charm is naturally worn by many people.
The types are so many depending on what you wish: family safety, health, prosperous business... and so on.

Paper slip fortune teller

Omikuji is paper slip that tells your fortune and predictions about your future. The fortune result can be usually classified into 7 categories: “Daikichi” means the best luck whereas “Daikyo” indicates the worst. It also gives you some helpful advice for your future according to several aspects that include your wish, business, marriage, travel, study, moving and more. Some people keep their Omikuji in their wallet.
If your Omikuji shows the worst result, you can tie it up to the strings that ca be found at shrines.


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